Tag: Мебелна индустрия



Конференция WoodEMA в България Екипът по проекта ще представи едни от най-значимите си резултати в рамките на предстоящата седемнадесета муждународна конференция „Green Deal Initiatives, Sustainable Management, Market Demands, and New Production Perspectives in the Forestry-Based Sector“. Конференцията се организира от WoodEMA, i.a. в партнюрство с […]

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The dynamic changes in the global environment have a strong impact on value chains in terms of both the economic and innovation performance of individual enterprises and the growth potential of the regions in which they are located. The main goal of the report is to analyse the innovation potential of furniture manufacturing companies in Bulgaria from the perspective of their global value chain (hereinafter GVC) participation.

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